
Showing posts from May 30, 2017

Day 4: Dia Cuatro

Day four of our Costa Rica science expedition! The day started early for me with a wake up time of 5:15. The time between waking up and breakfast was spent swinging on the porch swing and exploring the grounds.  After breakfast, at 7:30, we got to go zip lining instead of a morning learning session. The zip line course had ten zip lines that went through the forest canopy. The course offered zip lines of varying speeds and lengths, on the slowest of which we were able to go upside down. Once finished with the zip lines, we headed back to Finca La Anita for lunch and to work on our group projects. In the afternoon my group, K-JAB, prepared different organic liquids with which we plan to interrupt the ant's pheromone trail the most. Our experiment is to see which liquid interrupts their pheromone trail the most. Some of the organic solutions we are using include panama peppers, vinegar, vegetable oil, and cintronella to do this. Tomorrow we will to put these solutions to th...